Work Packages

WP1 objective is to ensure the overall technical and financial coordination of the project in the most effective way, fulfilling the project activities and targets within the defined time schedule and budget, coordinating all reporting activities to the contracting authority.

Lead Partner: KARAVIAS, Partners Involved: AgroApps, UPM, ETHERISC, UBFCE, INOSENS, CREVIS

WP2 aims to identify, analyse and prioritize Agricultural Insurance actors needs, in order to translate operational and business model requirements in technical specifications for the BEACON toolbox development and validation.

Lead Partner: UBFCE, Partners Involved: KARAVIAS, AgroApps, UPM, ETHERISC, INOSENS.

WP3 aim is to develop the processing modules that will operationally produce the earth observation products and atmospheric data, to drive the BEACON services.

Lead Partner: AgroApps, Partners Involved: KARAVIAS, UPM, ETHERISC.

WP4 focuses on the establishment of the technological stack and the system architecture for the development, integration, testing, validation and delivery of the BEACON toolbox and services. It aims at delivering the final software systems (web app, mobile app; GIS dashboard) through the integration of the BEACON data products and demand-drives services.

Lead Partner: AgroApps, Partners Involved: KARAVIAS, UPM, ETHERISC, UBFCE, INOSENS.

In WP5 the pilot plan and activities are elaborated, deployed, validated and evaluated involving project partners and the BEACON Lighthouse Customers. Tailormade training material and activities are implemented to familiarize pilot participants to the BEACON toolbox technical and operational specifications and functionalities in real environments.

Lead Partner: KARAVIAS, Partners Involved: AgroApps, UPM, ETHERISC, UBFCE, INOSENS, CREVIS

WP6 aims at developing go-to-market strategies addressed at the commercialisation of BEACON during the post-project phase. More precisely, this WP sets up the solid foundation for post-project exploitation of BEACON Toolbox by creating a Content and Growth Hacking Strategy targeting the right market segment and customers; extensive collaboration with key stakeholders to establish valuable market insight and increase the number of Lighthouse customers; and defines business models for sustainable growth and commercialization strategy to enter new markets in EU and internationally.

Lead Partner: INOSENS, Partners Involved: KARAVIAS, AgroApps, UPM, ETHERISC, UBFCE, CREVIS.

WP7 develops and implements the overall dissemination, exploitation and communication plan and activities, tools and material to ensure targeted and broad outreach to raise awareness, engage and interact with relevant stakeholders and potential future clients of the BEACON toolbox. It also establishes, populates and exploits the “Agricultural Insurance Enablers” BEACON Advisory Board.

Lead Partner: CREVIS, Partners Involved: KARAVIAS, AgroApps, UPM, ETHERISC, UBFCE, INOSENS.


WP 1 - Project Management & Quality Assurance

WP 5 - Creating Business Experience & BEACON Accreditation path

WP 7 - Dissemination, Communication and Diffusion of BEACON