
Crop Monitoring

The BEACON Crop monitoring, using crop growth models, along with Earth Observation and weather data provides crop profiling and monitoring data together with yield estimations. The BEACON crop monitoring service enables Agricultural Insurance companies better monitor their portfolio exposure and assist them in pre and after disaster decision making.


Damage Assessment Calculator

The BEACON Damage Assessment Calculator supports Agricultural Insurance companies in better more accurately assess and calculate damages for proceeding with indemnity pay-outs of claims. It allows the estimation of crop losses (in quantitative and potentially monetary values) based on in season yield estimates using Earth Observation and climate data along with crop growth modeling. The BEACON Damage Assessment Calculator also provides visual damage maps of the affected areas, enabling a transparent basis for the indemnity pay-out process with farmers.

Weather Risk Probability

The BEACON Weather Risk Probability provides probabilities maps of extreme weather events to occur in the upcoming season and to estimate their impact on the potential crop yield. It draws on the multi-model Copernicus seasonal climate ensemble forecasts and supports insurers to define premiums more accurately.

Damage Prognosis - Early Warning

The BEACON Damage Prognosis and Early Warning, provides forecasted weather events alerts to Agricultural Insurance providers enabling them to push notifications and predefined mitigation measures to their customers -farmers. Farmers will be advised to take all the necessary actions to mitigate potential damages from upcoming events.

Anti-fraud Inspector

The BEACON Parcel Ani-Fraud Inspector allows Agricultural Insurances to automatically check the legitimacy of a claim submitted (if actually an event and damage occurred in an insured parcel) and to remotely (using Earth Observation imagery) follow and verify adherence to certain contractual articles established during underwriting. An alert system will be activated notifying Agricultural Insurance providers its time that a potential fraud is attempted.