BEACON celebrated its 1st birthday!

On January 2020 BEACON celebrated its first birthday!

Over this first 12month journey the BEACON project started, evolved and is already making a difference making its mark in the Agricultural Insurance (AgI) sector.

Over this period we worked on identifying AgI actors’ requirements and needs and processing modules that will operationally produce the earth observation products and meteorological data, to drive the BEACON services.

The 1st operational BEACON toolbox is by now available and the Alpha stage of the pilot plan along with insurance partners and further AgI stakeholders is about to start.

Alongside with BEACON partners 16 Lighthouse customers are already on board the project, focusing on co-creating a perfect-fit solution for the Agricultural Insurance sector, easy to be integrated and customized to daily tasks and operational procedures.

If you want to find out more on how we redesign the Agricultural Insurance sector you can browse our webpage, subscribe in our newsletter, follow us on the social media or watch and be sure to tune into our YouTube channel and our BEACON podcasts.

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