InoSens Team visit in Triglav facilities in Novi Sad, Serbia 

InoSens Team visited Triglav facilities in Novi Sad, Serbia in order to present the close-to-market BEACON Toolbox to several of their employees. Three hours spent in the offices of one of a three BEACON main Pilot Cases were dedicated for deeper training on how to use and seize the functionalities that have been developed during the last two and half year of the project.

During the meeting, the valuable feedback has been received that the main strength of the BEACON toolbox is the ability to combine multiple tools and Geosrbija to search parcels and insert them semi-automatically in the BEACON platform.

Moreover, the compatibility with Geosrbija and parcel identification on the fields has been highlighted as the biggest potential for further enhancement. They put out that the BEACON toolbox has as a user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation and easy access which are in line with their business workflow needs.


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