World Water Day 2020

Usually, World Water Day is a time to meet face-to-face and discuss how to tackle the global crisis in water and sanitation.

This World Water Day, and any other day, please remember to wash your hands regularly with water and soap or alcohol-based hand rub. WHO has these step-by-step visual guidelines to handwashing. In some parts of the world there is little or no awareness of good hygiene practices and their role in reducing the spread of disease. 

However, it is often the case that even when people do have knowledge of good hygiene behaviour, they lack the soap, safe water and washing facilities they need to make positive changes to protect themselves and their community. 

This World Water Day, let’s show our best hand hygiene moments to fight #COVID19. 
#SafeHands on #WorldWaterDay (but please don’t forget to turn off the tap!)

For more interesting information, visit the relevant website.


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