BEACON Toolbox as a support
for agri-insurance during challenging times

Following the prevalent technological transformation of agriculture, the BEACON Toolbox walks in the fast lane towards the modernized agri-insurance business. Based on its services, the solution improves climate and financial resilience to agri-insurance companies and their clients (farmers). More specifically, during situations such as the virus pandemic, BEACON is designed to make the logistic work in the company more efficient, improving the staff distribution tasks through a better overview of damages that occurred.

To prove such points, some impressions are already collected from BEACON Lighthouse Customers. Even though BEACON services are “under construction” and functionalities are in the formative phase, possibilities from the usage of the toolbox are already visible in assisting agri-insurance business during the pandemic COVID-19:

     Provision of fast and reliant information related to risk,
     Acceleration of the entire claim reporting process,
     The possibility for remote damage assessment,

Finally, all advances derived from the usage of BEACON will result in a more efficient agri-insurance business pipeline in general. Taking into consideration all circumstances such as pandemic situation, climate change, demanding market, and constantly growing food production demands, any improvement can significantly help this sector to boost.

BEACON Business team is working on the continual business co-creation process with BEACON Lighthouse Customers, recording all feedbacks and exploring all business pathways. At the same time, the Science team is fine-tuning the BEACON services to fulfil needs of future users. The whole process is designed to keep the BEACON Toolbox right where it belongs – the tool created to cover all requirements of the demanding agri-insurance industry.


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