Wide range of BEACON Lighthouse Customers

Among the BEACON target audience, the main group of future customers are agri-insurance companies. Here, the BEACON Toolbox is created to be a support for their 3 main agri-insurance business procedures: underwriting, damage assessment and contract monitoring. Still, BEACON business modelling foreseen the other target Business Personas among future end users.

Namely, through business modelling activities, BEACON business team contacted the Hungarian agri-insurance broker, Agrisk from Kalocsa. Agrisk is very innovative agri-insurance broker company that offers many technological developments and services to its customers (farmers): damage check, damage review, compensation calculator as well as other advanced technical services presented on the company’s portal. Taking into consideration the interest of such company for introduction of novel technologies into business workflow, Agrisk is recognised as the best potential Lighthouse Customer among broader BEACON target audience. Therefore, the project and toolbox have been initially introduced to Agrisk via Skype meeting by BEACON business team members from InoSens and BEACON coordinator, Karavias. Finally, on the November the 5th, InoSens’ representatives organised the face-to-face meeting with the Agrisk’ owner and its technical support partner in Tompa, Hungary. The goal of the meeting was to establish the closer collaboration between BEACON and potential Lighthouse Customer and as a result, Agrisk becomes the new BEACON Lighthouse Customer. Besides, performed meeting and established relationship served as a proven method for the collection of market insights, business needs and challenges present across the Hungarian agri-insurance sector.

Along with the popularisation of BEACON Lighthouse Customer group among target audience, it is equally important to emphasise the fact that BEACON business modelling recognise the wider range of future customers. In this way, the entire agri-insurance value chain can be covered.



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